
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Auras? you fucking kidding me?

No I'm not. We're going there. Check it.
And click it to make it big.

Yes I was a little disappointed that my signs were car- and traffic-related.
I would have preferred something more
However, these signs don't ever appear to me. ever.
So, yep I heard something.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I dream

Last night I dreamt my right eye was irritating me.

No cause for alarm. It happens all the time.

I got a professional opinion...


(choking blood rope from eye to stomach)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

could HE be the one?

A true story.
Joining the first dog obedience class, I notice that one lone fellow laughs and smiles when I talk about my dog Danny.

He was a little schlumpy, but I suspended judgment.