I couldn't comprehend the magnitude of an 8.9 earthquake and that buildings were still standing. Gratefully Japan has their shit together for earthquakes.
As I got ready to drive to my morning meeting, I heard tsunami warnings for San Francisco. I double-checked my route to the client site. Yes, I should be fine.
I have a serious fear of earthquakes.
As I got ready to go, my mind was pulsating between the mundane (I should get an apple for the drive, I should make sure to dust the cat hair off my power cord) and the worst case scenario (what if Japan is just the kickoff earthquake and tsunami and the Hayward Fault is going to really rip it up next?)
* * *
But you know what? Nothing happened here.
I drove to my meeting, I met the client. It went well.
It was a sunny day. I ate my apple.
I listened to good music on the way back.
The threat of tsunami passed.
Mundane won.
Not to say there was no damage anywhere. Japan had been ravaged. Some coastal areas were a bit battered.
But since I was okay, it was my responsibility to LIVE and be GRATEFUL.
I went to dinner with great friends. We went to a fancy southern joint. The orange velvet chairs made me happy. The food oozed love. The big fancy doors were so graceful. We could afford this spendy dinner. It was an embarrassment of riches and I wanted to absorb it all. |
The next few days as the nuclear reactor situation became grim, my anxiety returned.
Because of my rabid earthquake fear, I deliberately chose not to view any images from the quake or tsunami, as I didn't want to stock that image larder.
But I paid attention to the nuclear reactor news and the radiation.
I just felt so sad, like we really screwed the earth this time.
A friend and I went to visit the redwoods in the hills. Huge sequoias. This park always makes me feel better, like I'm hanging around wiser (calmer) beings than myself. I had to be REALLY QUIET to hear any wisdom, but it was there. And there was even more deep below the roots. After a couple of hours with the sequoias, I felt like things would be okay. |
For the next several days, this pattern kept repeating.
Devastating sadness about all the broken hearts in Japan.
And THEN the unfurling list that I, the safe and living person could be grateful for: